It was about a year ago that I learned of a dance school near me with a class in beginning ballet for adults, and with some trepidation left a voice message inquiring about this class, clarifying that I had no previous experience in dance. I soon got a call back from the director of the school; she assured me that this was something I could do, and answered my questions about clothes for class. My journey soon began with the adult beginner class once a week at MWP Art Institute, then continued in the spring with classes both at MWPAI at Hamilton College. I’m now one week into a two-week program for adults at the Boston Ballet School, and looking forward to another weeklong program for adults in Saratoga Springs.
Along the way I’ve had some revelatory and often emotional experiences, small breakthroughs imperceptible to everyone around me – the first time I found balance without straining, the first time I almost landed a pirouette and could imagine actually getting it, the first time (after half a semester of trying) I got the tombé-pas de bourée-glissade-jeté combination. I’m also acutely aware that many people learn more quickly than I do, or have more natural facility. One goal is to see how successfully one can learn a complex skill in midlife.